I am Just Too Tired of Dramas Around Me.

"You were my future, and you'll always be. I missed you every day. I checked through your profile every day. I keep looking at my phone every day to see your name appeared in my phone screen. Waiting for you is like waiting for the rain the drought. Breaking my heart might sound funny and easy to you. I do care for you, just so you know. I don't trust in true love till you came into my life and left just like that. Now I know it's all a crap. But I do have to thank you for making me stronger and stronger each and every time. My life were all about you until you left my world. Thanks for the experiences and memories that you have given me. I have already tattooed them in my heart and forever it will stay there. I know this status might not be so special to anyone of you, might not be sound so convincing to you guys, but but it certainly means a lot to me. All I can conclude, LOVE SUCKS. I guess I just need to seek harder next time, but now it's not the right time for RELATION & SHIPS! Study smart and eventually you'll get someone given by GOD who deserves your love. Not every time is our bad and down times. In life there is always ups and downs. Trust and have faith. You'll get someone later. And that person will not let you do those stuff and let you experience the stuff I have stated up there".
"Nothing is permanent. Nothing lasts forever. There is no such thing as TRUE LOVE in this world. It's bullshit. Nothing is true in this century. I give up. Let GOD plan everything what's best for me."

Wonder why I started off with this two statuses? Cause I am really really tired of dramas already. I am just so sick of them to be frank. Seriously, I wish I had a gun and shoot all the DRAMATIC person in Earth. They can be two-sided people and just behave like that. And the truth is nothing lasts forever. Humans are gonna die. Plants and animals are gonna die. What's left in this world? Love fades. Friendship fades. Betrayal is only gonna last in this world. Friends betray you. Love betrays you. I am sick of this. I am trying my best to build another stronger wall as a shield for my fragile heart. The one I tend to love the most turn out to be the one who hurts me the most. The one that I hurt the most turns to be the one who loves me. What kind of theory is this. It's always happening to me. OHHH WHY! WHY! I seriously love him. From the bottom of my heart, he's really the MR.RIGHT. But he turns out to be the one hurting me the most, breaking my heart again and again, saying spicy and hurtful words, treating me like his (JUST MET) friend. What you expect me to do? Mighty GOD, you created him, you tell me please. When I move on, he will turn around and find me again. Is this really life? Cause I don't wanna live this type of life. Living with denials and regrets. I am gonna make sure that this will be the very last time a guy treating me like this. He could just forget all the memories that we forged, but too bad I can't. I know it's not the end of the world,but time will heal me. Time, you're my best buddy now. I count on you. Heal me. Now I know how cruel life is. How love treats me is not gonna bring me down. There is where I am going to climb back to the very top! Nothing's gonna bring me down. What brings me down is what improves me. Another lesson learned.

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